Using Your Own fonts

If your design contains fonts, our artwork team recommend converting the font to an outline when using Photoshop. This is because you may be using a font we don’t have access to on our machines, therefore we may have to use an alternative font. In order to avoid this, you can make the text an outline which will ensure it doesn’t change. Our artwork team have provided instructions below on how to create text outlines using Photoshop:

  1. STEP #1 – Choose the Selection Tool (shortcut = “V”)
  2. STEP #2 – Select your text (underlined in text format).
  3. STEP #3 – Select the “Type” window, then select “Create Outlines” (Mac shortcut = Shift/Command/O, PC shortcut = Shift/Control/O).
  4. STEP #4 – Your text should now be outlined in vector format.

